
We Visit You

We understand that sometimes it is just not possible to bring your class to the Museum or sometimes, you might need a session to be run in your school.

In these cases we provide an Outreach Service where our staff will bring the Museum into the classroom.

We offer two types of sessions:

1. A version of a pre-existing museum session – e.g. Life in Ancient Egypt, WW2 Home Front or Toys (see Learning Sessions)

2. A bespoke session for the classroom –  for secondary schools these have included:

  • Using objects as historical evidence
  • The Indian experience in WW2
  • Public health in Victorian Blackburn

For primary schools these have included:

  • The local history around your school
  • ‘Old or New?’ – for Reception classes
  • Vile Victorians
  • Wee and poo in Victorian Blackburn
  • China
  • Bridge that gap – forces in action

If you would like further details about our Outreach Service, please contact museum@blackburn.gov.uk


We charge £110 for a half-day and £180 for a full-day.

What the teachers’ said:

“I just wanted to thank you for your great presentation to Year 6 regarding the Victorians and poo. The children loved it and could recall lots of what you said. I also did a follow up lesson and found pictures of tippler and privy toilets, moving on to the hard life as a house maid. Hope you can join us next year and inspire another bunch! Warm regards” – Katherine, St Francis Primary School

“Just wanted to say thank you again for helping at the Science Day, the children all loved looking at the beetles etc and have been talking about them all day today!” – Catherine, St Barnabas Primary School